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A Family's Worst Nightmare

1.4 M*

 Estimated fires responded to by firefighters in the United States in 2020.


Civilian fire deaths reported in 2020.


Reported civilian fire injuries noted by local fire departments.


Billion dollars in estimated property damage.

*Content according to 2020 data statistics from the

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Our Mission

To provide immediate practical assistance, resources, and comfort to individuals and families who are the victims of a house fire within the Metro Detroit area.

Fire Victims United

Packing Boxes

What We Do

We collect and provide needed essentials to fire victims that bridge the gap between the initial fire event and the time it takes to receive assistance through insurance claims and/or governmental aid programs.

Get Involved -
Help Victims of House Fires


Help fire victims by donating the essentials that are often destroyed, such as clothing of various sizes, toiletries, coats, boots, back packs, blankets, food, etc. Contribute funds towards temporary housing costs.



Contribute your time and energy by volunteering to purchase, package, and distribute back packs filled with essential items, which are provided to victims the day of the fire event. 

Fire Victims United

Mother and Daughter

Need Our Help?

Are you or someone you know the victim of a house fire and live within the Metro Detroit area? We are happy to provide you with the needed essentials, support, and temporary housing accommodations. 

We're here to help. 

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